
Open Circuit Cinema serves as a hub to bring together free accessible films dispersed on the internet.

A bimonthly curation of films to allow new connections/relations to emerge between these scattered products. Encouraging dialogue and interaction between them, bringing forth something new.

We intend to bring together a spread of media and to counter its dissipation in an overpowering commercial internetsphere where algorithms cater to an assumption of personal needs. A way to disrupt the overflow of content where connections are purposefully invisible for us, planting ambiguity, perpetuated and thrived upon by contemporary modernism. To find a shared experience of media. To counter distraction and take time for contemplation. To stand still and look instead of advancing in an endless line of progression to nowhere.

It’s important to note that our initiative does not aim rerplace the experience of going to a physical cinema space. Instead, we support and encourage attending cinemas whenever possible to appreciate films in that setting. Our aspiration is to inspire more people to visit cinemas while also providing a platform for those unable to access them.

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